Teaching Experience
- ARHU158B: Explorations in Arts and Humanities / Metaphor: The Art of Connecting the Self to Others
- ARHU158O: Explorations in Arts and Humanities / Metaphoric Building Blocks of Knowledge
- ENGL101: Introduction to Writing
- Academic Achievement Programs: English component
- ENGL202: World Literature, Renaissance to Modern
- ENGL222: American Literature, 1865 to Present
- ENGL240: Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama
- ENGL243: Introduction to Poetry
- ENGL313: American Literature
- ENGL391: Advanced Composition
- ENGL391H: Advanced Composition, Honors
- ENGL398L: Scholarly Writing in the Humanities
- HHUM205: Second Year Seminar in Honors Humanities / How Haiku Conquered the World